Sunday, December 29, 2019

Culture and the Mass Media - 1400 Words

Impact of Mass Media on Enculturation The mass media and culture go hand and hand in today s society. The American culture thrives on the Mass media and this has become American culture today. â€Å"Mass media is any medium used to transmit mass communication. Until recently mass media was clearly defined and was comprised of the eight mass media industries; books, newspapers, magazines, recordings, radio, movies, television and the Internet (Lane, 2007).† The mas media is no longer simple to define the. The constant creating of new digital communication technology is so abundant that it may expand the current definition beyond the eight mass media industries. In this paper the writer will examine the relationships among popular culture†¦show more content†¦As the younger generation of homeowners look to modernize the look and feel of their decor, laminate flooring has slowly become one of the hottest consumer products on the house and home market.† The relationship between mass media and adverti sing has become very important and part of everyday normal values. Impact of the Internet on Popular Culture . The Internet can impact many aspects in every day life such as the impact on popular culture and even interpersonal relationships. Jeffrey McQuillen stated, â€Å"The Internet has become almost synonymous with popular culture† in his article on technology and interpersonal relationships (McQuillen, 2003). Many people use the Internet on a daily basis. The technology from the Internet has made it possible for popular culture to be accessed from around the world and not just located in a particular country or continent as it used to be. People can send an email, chat, and instant message one another in the matter of seconds. The Internet has virtually become its own culture. Through the Internet people can access the news, music, and even watch television. A good example is being able to watch a television program that has only aired before in a certain country for years, but can now be accessed across the world by viewers in different countries. Many websites today are made with the purpose of social networking forShow MoreRelatedMass Media and Popular Culture953 Words   |  4 PagesMass Media and Popular Culture March, 2009 Let us face the facts, mass media and popular culture need each other to coexist. Furthermore, in todays society the mass media serves the interest of popular culture. Moreover, it is the vehicle of free speech in a diverse, multicultural society. 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Thereafter, the development of new forms mass media evolved, and we were introduced to the InternetRead MoreThe Effects Of Mass Media On American Culture951 Words   |  4 PagesEffects of Mass Media Introduction Why is mass media influencing the American culture? This is what we are going to be discussing in this essay. It’s important that we understand where the media has come from and where it is now and the journey that it is taking the American culture in the last century. America has now explored what un-traditional media and it has a major impact on the culture called new media. What were the major developments in the evolution of mass media during theRead MoreThe Effects Of Mass Media On American Culture777 Words   |  4 Pages Effects of Mass Media Amanda Shock Media Influences on American Culture (HUM/186) 10/19/2015 Allyson Wells Effects of Mass Media There are many different effects of mass media. Where would the world be today without mass media? The world has evolved so much. From the written era all the way to the digital era, communication has changed so much. For instance, when the radio was invented it changed the way the news was communicated and provided entertainment. The television came soonRead MoreEssay on Mass Media and Pop Culture1275 Words   |  6 PagesMass Media and Popular American Culture Mass Media and Popular American Culture Group Paper There are many different factors that make up our culture today. Mass media is a creator of our culture today. Relationships between media, advertising and the formation of normative cultural values are all contributors to our culture today. The internet and globalization have also played a huge role in our culture; all of which have their own meanings, but ultimately build our culture. Mass mediaRead MoreCulture Is Defined As The Internet And Mass Media1582 Words   |  7 PagesCulture is defined as â€Å"the beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society, group, place, or time† (Merriam Webster, 2015). Different continents, from Far East Asia to the West Most point of the Antarctica, holds their own unique traditions and cultures. Modern form of communication, such as the internet and mass media, had exposed us to various different cultures, thousands miles away from us, enabling us to see with our own eyes their practices and traditions. Despite that, does the imagesRead MoreThe Effect of Mass Media on American Culture614 Words   |  2 PagesMass media is communication that reaches a large audience. This includes television, advertisement, the Internet, newspapers, and so on. Mass media is a significant effect in modern culture in America. It creates ideas and sustained within society not only send ideological messages out to the public but to ad vertise this ideas which are tend to manipulate our mantalities. The mass media interperts the views of the majority of the people, the working class, to have their greatest influence on individualsRead MoreMass Media And Its Influence On Consumer Culture1497 Words   |  6 Pagesrecognized that people consume in ways that are consistent with their sense of self (Sirgy, 1982). Consumption is not only a tool to obtain the value of goods and display social status, but also is closely related to self-identity. In the consumer culture, customers no longer just shop because of their needs. The desire of individual s self-development and self-taught continue to stimulate the consumption. People change themselves as much as possible by buying new goods. In answer to the problem what

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Leadership and Communication - 2648 Words

Leadership and Communication Carl Barkers Bus. 600 Mgmt. and Comm. Tech. Tools August 6, 2012 Leadership and Communication What is communication? What is leadership communication? These are two definitions that will be answered in this paper. You will take an extensive look at how communication from the top of the food chain to the bottom impacts workforce and insight on different communicating qualities utilized by leaders and their effects. Explain why a leader must communicate effectively. Describe positive image and its relationship with effective leadership communication. Describe ethics and its relationship with effective leadership communication, importance of emotional intelligence, and importance of mindfulness†¦show more content†¦I had a manager that was very knowledgeable about the job. His Leadership qualities were outstanding. He could communicate well with the staff and with the clients when it came to serious matters. He had your back in any situation. The only thing he lacked was ethical skills. That was what brought tension with him and staff. In this field people take their jo b lightly. They would come to work fifteen minutes to thirty minutes late, having the earlier staff have to stay later than they wanted. What the manager would do instead of keeping the late staffs time where they came in late, he would set it back to the time that they should have come in and take the extra time from the staff that stayed later. Also he would commit financial fraud in that he was suppose to every Friday bring weekly spending to the clients in a certain amount ($25.00). He was supposed to bring funds to the site, give the funds to the staff, then have the staff count it. Then he was to have the client sign the verification form stating that they received a certain amount. He would come in tell the clients to let him see their wallets and he would put money in it without the staff seeing or verifying the amount. Once he would leave the clients would come to staff and say that they signed for amount that they did not receive. The manager was eventually reprimanded for the action and given the choice to either be demoted to a regular staff or beShow MoreRelatedCommunication, Leadership, And Leadership Essay1525 Words   |  7 Pages 3.1. Communication and Leadership According to Lussier Achua, (2013, p. 192) Leader is a person who represents his/her workers and motivates them to reach company goals, communication and effective leadership skills play best roles when leaders try to achieve goals. Leader has to deal with number of people on day to day basis such as workers, customers, investors, media people etc. The success of leader depends on communication skills because, if the leader able to create a good communicationRead MoreLeadership And Communication Of Leadership975 Words   |  4 PagesLeadership and Communication President Theodore Roosevelt once said, â€Å"People ask the difference between a leader and a boss. The leader leads, and the boss drives (Business News Daily, 2015). In one simple statement he captured the essence of what it means to be a leader. In order for a company to be successful there has to be leaders in charge, not bosses. Over the course of my career I have worked for leaders and bosses. I have found that things run much smoother with a leader in charge. CommunicationRead MoreCommunication, Leadership, And Leadership1936 Words   |  8 PagesCommunication in Leadership Contents Introduction 1 Transformational Leadership 3 Transactional Leadership 3 Laissez-Faire Leadership 4 Servant Leadership 5 Level 5 Leadership 6 Conclusion 7 References 8 Introduction Effective communication can be considered an art as much as a science. There are of course many best practices that one can study to improve their ability to communicate. However, it can be difficult to distinguish different success factors responsible for effectiveRead MoreLeadership Communication : Effective Communication Essay806 Words   |  4 Pages Leadership Communication refers to the way leaders influence a single person, a group, an organization, or a community through meaning. From the communication skills leaders use, leaders can create and deliver messages that guide, direct, motivate, or inspire others to action (Barrett, 2006). 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Effective communication involves clear and direct messaging of thoughts and ideas. The three elements that leaders utilize when creating and enhancing effective communication are trust, respect, and empathy. For this paper, I will discuss some of the issues found in chapter seven’s critical thinking exerciseRead MoreLeadership And Communication Strategies For Effective Leadership882 Words   |  4 PagesLeadership and Communication What is leadership? There are various definitions of this particular term according to various needs of the organizations and employees and they all qualify in one way or another. Though the definition that most resonates with me one by buckingham (2005), â€Å"what defines a leader is his preoccupation with a â€Å"the better future†, he carries a vivid image of what the future could be and it drives him on, and he shows this picture to his followers, persuades them into believingRead MoreLeadership and Communication Management1261 Words   |  6 PagesLeadership and Communication Management We all know how the computer system works: Without the talented operator or appropriate software, even if it is equipped with the most advanced hardware, the computer itself will not achieve any results. If we compare the computer system as Enterprise, leadership is the operator and communication management is one of the most efficient software. When these two important elements combine in a cohesive manner, the Enterprise should expect the best performance

Friday, December 13, 2019

Romanticism and Realism Free Essays

Romanticism and Realism Romanticism is the idealism for a better world. Writers believe that they can portray their beliefs and emotions though their writing. They hoped that this would encourage the people of the world to become something more than what they are now. We will write a custom essay sample on Romanticism and Realism or any similar topic only for you Order Now They valued the human imagination and imposed emphasis on individual freedom and political restraints. They also had a great interest in the middle ages. The emphases on emotion lead to Dark Romanticism such as the poetry by Edgar Allan Poe. Poe wrote with extreme emotion about death and the loss. While realism s more about the attempt to represent events and social conditions as they are. There is no idealization of events instead writers attempt to be as factual as possible. Writers of this form of literature stress reality over fantasy. They value the attention to detail and an effort to recreate the true nature of reality. This is the reason that most realist literature is written according to the time period of the writer. It is not to say that what realist writes is a true story exactly but rather it is to convey what is happening in the world at that moment in time. They write about the hardship and the malice with no sugarcoating of events but rather the brutal truth. The individual is an important aspect in the writing of romanticism. The writers view the individual as an important part of society. They reject authority and look to have self reliance. There is no need to have society accept them in order to have the life that they want. Emerson wrote â€Å"Great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude† giving credence that social acceptance is not needed (Emerson 578). While in realism the individual idealism is not as important as the realistic portrayal of the individual and the society. Realistic writers write about how self reliance is portrayed in society. Whether it is oppressed or whether it was achieved. Chopin writes about self reliance as an aspect that the American women at the time have not been able to achieve to its fullest. Instead self-reliance is something that eludes women due to the social hierarchy that has been established for centuries. In both romanticism and realism pride is a preemptor to the loss of whatever good is one’s life. In while in romanticism this is portrayed with exaggeration of potions ND death in â€Å"The Birthmark† by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Realist writers such as Chopin use real situations of slave owners and the issue of race in their lives. Government and politics has been a subject in literature for a long time. In realism it is the description of the governments and the actions taken by them. It is about the truth of what that the political machine has done to the world. There is no idealism as there is in Romanticism. Politics in romanticist writing is about the hope for a better society. Their way of achieving this betterment is also a part of the romanticism in the literature. GOD By hoosegow How to cite Romanticism and Realism, Papers Romanticism and Realism Free Essays Romanticism and Realism Romanticism: [pic] Francisco De Goya. â€Å"The Third of May 1808† Oil on Canvas – Imagination and emotion are more valuable than reason. The romantics championed the struggle for human liberty. We will write a custom essay sample on Romanticism and Realism or any similar topic only for you Order Now They celebrated nature, rural life, common people, exotic subjects in art and literature. – Era: Industrial and French Revolutions – Technique: Dramatic scenes of nature or man and ideal landscapes. – Artists: Goya, Delacroix, Constable, Duncauson Realism: [pic] Gustave Courbet. â€Å"The Stone Breakers† Oil on Canvas Art should deal with human experience through observation, without exocticism, nostalgia or idealism. It offered the painter and the viewer humanity and insight into everyday world. †¢ Era: Industrial and French Rev †¢ Technique: Almost photographic and always portraying the dignity of ordinary people. †¢ Artists: Courbet, Bonheur, Eakins, Tanner, Daumier Impressionism and Expressionism Impressionism: [pic] Claud Monet. â€Å"Impression: Sunrise† Oil on Canvas †¢ Concern themselves with visual issues. They paint what the eye sees rather than what the mind knows. The effects of light on a subject is emphasized. †¢ Era: Development of camera †¢ Tech: Small dabs of color that appears as separate strokes of paint when seen close up. Yet with distance, one sees uniform subjects. †¢ Artists: Money, Renoir, Cassatt, Morisst Expressionism: [pic] Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. â€Å"Street, Berlin† Oil on Canvas †¢ General term for art that emphasizes inner feelings and emotions over subject depiction such as: sorrow, passion, spiritual and mysticism. †¢ Era: 1910-34 World War I †¢ Tech: Emphasis on color intensity as a means to express a mood. Artists: Kirchner, Kandinsky, Nolde, Kollowitz Surrealism and Cubism Surrealism: [pic]Joan Miro. â€Å"Woman Haunted by the Passage of the Dragonfly, Bird of Bad Omen† Oil on Canvas †¢ The belief that the unconscious mind is a higher reality than the conscious mind. The painters/ artists goal was to make visible the imagery of the unconscious. †¢ Era: 1920-40 (Sigm und Freud, manuscript was published) †¢ Tech: dreamlike imagery affected by color was most important to the work. †¢ Artists: Dale, Miro, Magritte, Kahlo Cubism: [pic] Pablo Picasso. Les Demoiselles D’avignon† Oil on Canvas †¢ Reconstruction of objects based on geometric shapes †¢ Era: a mechanized world. Industry simplified forms †¢ Tech: simplified surfaces and shapes; Fractured angular figures or landscapes †¢ Artists: Picasso and Braque Abstract Expressionism and Pop Art Abstract Expressionism: [pic] Jackson Pollock. â€Å"Autumn Rhythm† Oil on Canvas †¢ Artists expressed in their work a balance between spontaneity andformal structure. Individual expression is emphasized. †¢ Era: 1948-65 America after WWII Tech: use of color to influence mood and the energy of the artist is prominent. †¢ Artists: De Kooning, Pollock, Rothko Pop Art: [pic] Roy Lichtenstein. â€Å"Drowning Girl† Oil on synthetic polymer paint on canvas. †¢ Deals with commercially driven â€Å"mass culture†. Commercial art is the inspiration for pop art. †¢ Era: flower generation †¢ Tech: artists created cool mechanical images using photographic screen printing and airbrush tech to achieve the look of advertising imagery but used it on canvas. †¢ Artists: Warhol, Hamilton, Lichtenstein, Rosenquist. How to cite Romanticism and Realism, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Financial Management - Samsung Electronics Co Ltd Free Sample

Question: Discuss about the Financial Managementfor Samsung Electronics Co Ltd. Answer: Introduction When a firm or company works on a global or international basis, it means that its activities involve other country currencies also apart from its domestic currency or home currency. For example, for a company having its home business in the USA works globally and has its various branches all over the world. In such as case, US Dollar will be the home currency for that company and all other currencies such as UK Pound, Indian Rupee, etc will be foreign currencies for the said company. Foreign Exchange (Currency) Exposure is the risk that the global firms are prone to, which performs their activities on a global or international basis. When such activities involve dealing in currencies other than home currency also, these activities are said to have a foreign exchange risk or exposure. The risk or exposure is there when the future inflows and outflows of a global firm depend on any foreign currency exchange rates or value (Bartram Bodnar, 2012). Foreign Exchange (Currency). The most important of all these types of exposures is Transaction Exposures that is primarily considered by almost every global company due to its direct impacts on the economy of the company. Case Study on Samsung Electronics Co Ltd Multi National Company Samsung Electronics Co Ltd is selected for the purpose of the study. In this case study, it will be explained that what kind of transaction, translation and economic exposures does Samsung face and how it deals with such exposures what instruments it uses to deal with such exposures. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. is a Multi National Company having its headquarters in the Republic of Korea. The group operates on a worldwide basis and deals in manufacturing and selling of digital media products and telecommunication products. It has its subsidiaries all over the world including Korea, America, Europe, Africa, China and rest of Asia. As the company operates in various foreign currencies, there arise different kinds of exposures or risks. One of these is market risks which are directly related to the foreign exchange fluctuations. Other risks are credit risk and liquidity risks (Samsung, 2016). The financial risk management is a very important operation for such big companies and departments and officers are designated at all the regional headquarters for managing and planning about the reduction of such risks. When there is likely to be a change in cash flows of a company due to change in exchange rates, such form of Foreign Exchange Exposure is said to be a transact ion exposure (Robert et. al, 2010). When there are fluctuations in foreign exchange rates, the companies consider the overall impact that the fluctuations are having such as market prices of products, the effect on profitability, etc. Such overall changes are said to be due to Economic Exposure (Waite, 2016). The foreign currency exposure to financial assets and liabilities are stated below: Translation Exposure or Accounting Exposure happens for Samsung as it converts the assets and liabilities of their subsidiaries into their home currency as a part of their accounting practice. Such a gain or loss at the time of conversion is said to be due to translation exposures. The foreign currency transactions are converted into the functional currency by utilization of the exchange rates that prevails on the transaction date or valuation where the re-measurement are done (Samsung Electronics, 2016). The gains and losses that occur from the transactions settlement and from translation are denominated in foreign currencies and realized as profit or loss. The assets and liabilities that are considered under risk management include assets such as cash, amounts receivable from debtors, short-term investments and another short term saleable current assets and liabilities include payables to short-term suppliers, borrowings, financial liabilities, etc. The company has to deal in various currencies of the countries where the subsidiaries are located and hence is exposed to foreign exchange currency risks (Kim Redmond, 2017). The cash outflows and cash inflows are directly affected when there are changes in exchange rates. Hence it is very important to keep an eye on the financial risks associated and their appropriate management. Way to deal with Exposures and Instruments used The company and its subsidiaries have set their financial risk management policies and keep such policies updated from time to time as per the changes in market risks. Such policies include determination of foreign exchange risks, identifying correct methods to deal with their risks, applying instruments such as hedging to deal with these risks, monitoring timely actions were taken and their consequences, etc. Also, the company keeps tracks of all the receivables and payables that are denominated in foreign currencies and will be converted into home currency and the impact such conversion will have on the companys profitability positions. The main techniques and instruments that are used by the company for managing the Foreign Exchange Currency Exposure are Hedging Techniques which can be further classified into Natural Hedging and Financial Hedging (Kim Redmond, 2017). Natural Hedging technique helps in reducing the difference between cash inflows and cash outflows when dealing in a particular foreign currency. It is an effective method for reduction in financial risk but it is a very lengthy procedure and may take a long time in its implementation (Eun Resnick, 2011). Financial Hedging technique uses purchasing of financial hedging instruments such as forward contracts, future contracts, swaps and currency options. Forward Contracts are the contracts which are done to buy or sell a particular amount of currency at a pre-decided price so that the exchange rate fluctuations do not have many adverse effects (Robert et. al, 2010). Such contracts are bought from and sold through Banks and Foreign Exchange Brokers. For Example, An Indian Company exports products to the US-based company. For a transaction, the US company agreed to pay 1500 US$ to the Indian Exporter after 3 months. The Indian Exporter enters into a forward contract with a bank to sell 1500 US$ at the end of 3 months @ INR 60.00 per US $. This is a process to reduce transaction exposure where the Importer will get an assured and pre-decided amount and can reduce the exchange rate fluctuation risks (Simonin, 2016). Other such Instruments are Currency Options and Swaps. Conclusion Samsung and other Multi-National Companies use such hedging instruments as a measure to safeguard themselves from the exchange rate fluctuations and other market risks. But apart from this other methods are also used by such companies to manage the overall financial risks associated with such companies such as finding new buyers in different countries at competitive rates and entering into fixed price contracts with them, predicting future sales so that appropriate arrangements can be planned for making payments and receiving payments from the customers with minimal exchange rate fluctuation effects. References Bartram, S. M Bodnar, G.M 2012, Crossing the Lines: The Relation between Exchange Rate Exposure and Stock Returns in Emerging and Developed Markets, Journal of International Money and Finance, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 766792 Eun, C S Resnick, B. G. (2011).International Financial Management. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwi Kim, H Redmond, T 2017, A Hedge Fund Giant in Samsung Empire Finds Hurdles Close to Home, viewed 22 April, 2017 Robert C, Brian H.L Paul C 2010, How to Understand Business Finance, Kogan Page Limited Samsung 2016, Samsung Corporate profile, viewed 11 September 2016, Samsung Electronics Co Ltd. and Subsidiaries 2016, Consolidated financial statements, viewed 22 April, 2017 vi Simonin, D 2016, International Strategy: The Strategy of Samsung Group, viewed 11 September 2016, Waite, S 2016, Samsung Asset Management Plans Global Macro Hedge Fund, viewed 22 April, 2017

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Social Construction of Freaks by Robert Bogdan free essay sample

On my trip to come here and passing across some countries , I have the experience to see, it again in Guatemala, Mexico, and The United States, but the interesting thing about it was that in each place, it happened differently, regardless the resources, economy situation, and education level. It also continues happening in the life of youths in different scale, problems and obstacles. My purpose to write this paper is to show you what a talent show is , my reason to organize it, when and where it will happen, who will participate in it, and what I will learn by organizing it. This talent show will be free for all youthcare’s staff, clients and volunteers that donate their time as their money, and the most important thing is to share their love and contributions to change a lot of lives. Anyway, in this talent show 10 youths will be performing by showing different talents, and each one of them will get a prize for being brave to be on the stage in front of a lot of people. We will write a custom essay sample on Social Construction of Freaks by Robert Bogdan or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In addition, there will be a talent winner that will be chosen by the audience in the event. The event’s theme will be hope and the scenery will be decorated with different hope’s quotes and people of hope. What does talent show mean? Well, I was looking up in the internet for the meaning of a talent show. I found the best and simple description on Wikipedia; it describe a talent show as an event where participants perform their talents of acting, singing, dancing, acrobatics, drumming, martial, arts, playing instruments, and others activities to showcase a unique form of talent . It’s sometimes for a reward, trophy or prize, school talents show awards of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. What does a talent show mean for me? for me, a talent show is a way to express, show our sentiments, and combine it whit the passion and skills that god give to each of us. Knowing what we have, to be able to show Its to the world. The beauty about a talent show, it’s that raze, skin color, gender, religion are on the side of the way, because the most important are yours skills, talents, and all the sentiments that you put in to it; the sentiments that come from you hearth, no from your color, nationality, gender, or religion. Your talents it’s the give that god gave to you, but you need o find it and when you realize how special, and talent you are; you will be ready to give to the world a strong bright, with the capacity to give light to everyone in your side. Before, I came to Seattle; I was in Houston, Texas, in a high security immigration program for under 18 immigrants youths whit criminal delist. Most of the kids there have criminal records in the United States. At the first day I was there one kids was broking a t. v. with a chair, the securities were trying to control him. In addition, I was so scary, because most of the clients were violents and mean each other; some of them were gangs members of two different sides in California. Anyway, no matter, how violents they were, I discovered something that surprised me. Most of these kids were no bad or deserved the word criminals. T hey just did things that were bad, but it don’t want to said that they were bad kids whit bad sentiments or bad human beings. In addition, almost most of this kids was listening me, respecting me, and getting alone with me, but not before respecting them, listening them, trying to understand they way to being; understanding were they came from, who they family members are, and the situations that happened in their life. I discovered that these guys only have needed and still need someone to listen, understand, and motivate to believe in their skills, capacities, talents, their dreams. People to do see them how valuable they are. Nobody like to be critiqued by others, but something sad about this world is that most of people do. It’s easy to critic and see the bad things that others do, the hard thing is to try to listening and under thing others. Anyway in Texas, juvenile jail for under 18 immigrants, rulers were astrictive, for instance we could out to the jail’s yard one hour a day and while that time, most of the youths were playing soccer because they loved; I also realized that other young loved dancing, singing, drawing, and make things by hands, most of them were so talents. In addition, I was having living there for two months. I wanted to looking for the way to show them how talent, they were, but for do it I need something better than word. I need actions and examples that show it to them; after a while of thinking about it. I came with the conclusion to ask to the staff there and get from them ideas, that could give me a gin about, what to do? to make possible motivate the kids from there, by showing their abilities. nyway when I asked to some of the staff for ideas no all reacting positive about it; some of them said it to me, â€Å"I can see your good intension; Carlos, but the only talent that I can see in most of them is to scream, and fight each other’’ this kind of negative commentaries didn’t stop me to continuo to looking for a way to organize something that show my friend’s talents that by that time, I was seeing them how brothers. In addition one of my favorite staff and friend gave me what I was looking for. Miss, Edith gave me the idea to organize a talent show, she is from, Colombia and the person that teaches me to use a computer, and some Basic English. Anyway, she came with the great idea that I need to encourage and to show to my latins brothers there how value they are; with the idea in my hands. I began to talk about it with them. I was so enthusiastic, because it will make them get more confidence in their self. Something interesting about my culture it’s that most latins don’t like to be parts of events, it mean doing anything in from of people. The main reason of it is because most latinos don’t like to lost or make in mistake from others. The thing is that was no easy to get them be part of the talent show, but tanks of god, they have confidence in myself and after of explain them that where nothing to lost, and a lot to win. After of be sure that the youth will participate in it, I need to get the premise from the jail director and the date that it be. She was agree about it, and she was also very happy about the idea she did believe that a what I wanted to do. in addition, after I talked with the director and have her authorization. I needed to find the date and time, therefore the weekend was a great time to do it because we didn’t have anything to do in at that time. In addition almost all the staff were so happy to help me with it. Some of them also were interesting on performer in the show; and I was so happy to said to them yes. Anyway the talent show were realized in a April’s weekend at the big living room of the C area; the talent show there was very inspire for the youths and worker there and also it was very inspire for me, because its really did a big impact and a positive experience for each of us. My experience with talent and hope in Seattle, Washington I really don’t know how, Seattle began to be a big part of my achievements and goals. In addition when the immigration programs send me, from Texas to here, I thought I andwas coming to the capital of the United States. I never imagnated that Seattle, was my destination, the city of the United States, that changed my life in a big scale. Anyway, I was transfer from a high security immigration program to a normal immigration program for under 18 immigrants. The program is call. Casa de los amigos that in English is mean; something like, home of the friends, in casa almost all the staff speak English, and Spanish, for me it was a great opportunity to learn some basic English; at that time I didn’t speak English, and casa’s staff where always happy to help me, with it. In addition, every day I was learning more, and more English’s words on a couples of days, I knew how to introduce myself, and some important English’s question. For instance, to ask for food and other kind of things. Anyway casa’s kids were very talents most them loved to sing an dance others liked better to draw, gymnastic, to play soccer, and tell stories. In addition, in casa I never organized a talent show, but I was always encourage them to don’t be embarrassing about to dance, or sing etc. some of the casa kids where desesperated, and they got obsess about to be in a place where, they can’t go out and the fact that we didn’t have any family close of us. It was very hard, we latins are accustom to always be together with our family, because it is our most important value, I knowing it. I began to encourage them to be patience with the staff there, and their cases. I knew that don’t matter how bad or good do you feel about it, time is time and is passing, it can’t stop. The point is how to use it and take bandage about the opportunities we have there, we could communicate with our family by phone 2 time a week. We also have a lot Latin food, and one of the best things in casa is that you can go outside 2 times a day. It never will happen in most of the immigration programs in the Unite State. In my own experience I can say that; Casa de los Amigos is one of the best program in The United States for immigrants under 18. When one of my friends talked to me about how, frustrate, sad and desperate he was feel. I just give my way to see the situation, and show him the big significant and positive things that we had there. I put them to think about the opportunity to grow how a youth and use the time learning and improving they talents, abilities, that they have and love. Getting better in then at the way that they can use it to overcome, successfully, and change their life. I talk the true to most of them about to don’t do nothing talking with them to just point, and argue about all the negative things, and problems that we all have. Because it just will make us feel sad and frustrated about the things in our life. I always talked to them that we have the power of choose the way to see things and problems in our life. We can choose between the positive or negative way. Anyway, in casa I was fighting an immigration case to state in the United Stated. Therefore my two layers got me the opportunity to go out of â€Å"Casa de los Amigos program† to go to a non immigration program where I could go to school, be more free, and go out for myself whit any adult’s supervision. While I was in there the immigration system and the state was desisted my future to state or be deportee to my country. Anyway go to other program motive and inspire me to continue working in my goals and objectives that I have for the future. It also motivated me to learn more and more the English to be able to communicate well with others, knowing that English is a universal language that will open doors to me, wherever a go. In addition, I can say from my own opinion that pathway’s program, at the time I was there was a very good place to grow, learn and discover new things. It also has a very good and professional people working there. Anyway, with the pass of the time I have living in it. I could understand and speak a little better the English language. For instance, speaking and understanding the English was a little easier. I could have a small conversation with the staff and youths there, it was a very good way to listen and understand the reason why the youths were there and no whit their family? In addition, the kids there have a lot to talk about it, each of them have a sad story about their life to share, no matter the fact of being a citizens in capitalist country where most people think , life is more easy and, because the economic situation and the support of the government. In addition, things are not that easy, almost all the kids from pathway program had have drugs addiction, and depression problems. Its, because they did have a unite family or others family’s problems etc. anyways, I met in there a lot talents kids, likewise Alyssa, and Max: They were like brother and Sister Alyssa, is one of the funniest person that I know, and Max is coolest guy ever met. By now, Alyssa and Max, have a lot done in their life, for instance both of them are going to college this is just emagazine. In Addition, both of them talked me that that they hate school about it, I just got them my humble opinion. I talked them that everyone that want to grow as a person in this glove need to go school and it is just a another step in our life to got the enough innollege to be able to get what we want, and the most important be a example in a positive way for the family that we will have in the future and also have the enough economic resources to have a stable life, support you family, and if we study what we love to do, we will be happy and our kids will be happy and proud of us, we will be able to say to them you can file your dreams you can do it, I could do it. Anyway, Max still working in is passion in life, that is music, he love play the guitar, and the thing is that he is so talent doing it. In addition, Alyssa love to act in the theater, and she is just has a naturally talents in it. Likewise, them I met inside, â€Å"Pathway† a lot of others talents kids with a lot struggles, and difficult situations in their life’s. Anyway, I love the kids I met in Pathway program. In addition actually they are like my American brothers, and sisters. They make a big change in my life, in the way of try to understand better and be more open mind about the youths from from here and they culture. Anyway Pathway for me, was a great learning and discovered experience. The staff really were like parents for me, and the kids were and still conder for me, as how it. In addition, after, I left from pathway. I went to passage’s program.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Scarlett Letter - Repentance essays

Scarlett Letter - Repentance essays Laws and regulations in the mid 1600's were greatly influenced by beliefs and philosophies of the Puritan religion. In the novel, The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne attempts to convince the reader of the superiority of repentance in dealing with sin. The humiliations and punishment endured by Hester, the protagonist, is often cited as a classic victim of overzealous, Puritanical punishment. Rather, the underlying theme actually expresses the notion that public repentance and acknowledgment of sin acts as a catalyst in helping the sinner cope with and eventually overcome the emotional and mental stress that results from sin. In The Scarlet Letter three separate but related scaffold scenes are used to illustrate this point. The scenes are tied together by a common sin, an adulterous affair between a young woman, Hester Prynne, and her minister, Reverend Dimmesdale. Each scaffold scene is different in terms of two key aspects of true repentance; is the sinner confessing freely of h is own volition and is the confession made publicly. In each case of public confession on the three scaffolds the sin is the same, the adulterous affair between Hester and Dimmesdale. In the first scaffold scene, Hester standswith natural dignity and force of character? (49), but soon the stares from the crowd cause her to 'turn her eyes downward?(56). While this so-called act of repentance is made publicly, certainly it is done unwillingly. Even so, while the next seven years are truly difficult times her demonstration of repentance at the scaffold seems to free her of much of the guilt and emotional turmoil caused by her sin. Conversely Reverend Dimmesdale, guilty of the same adulterous affair, isovercome with a great horror of mind, as if the universe is [staring] at the scarlet token on his naked breast?(136). Having literally branded a scarlet letter on his chest Dimmesdale lives the next seven years suffering alone through the inner turmoil and u...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Service marketing report 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Service marketing report 2 - Essay Example It is thus extremely important for modern business managers to appreciate the marketing component as an emerging frontier in business strategy. According to the author, â€Å"the center of gravity for most companies has tilted downstream†, where by activities like product delivery in unique and specific circumstances for consumption have become important. They inform consumer decisions in choosing certain brands over others are the basis for brand loyalty and as such are accounting for significantly larger proportions of costs in many businesses. Another important point the author puts across in his article is that business strategy today is more centered on what companies can do more for their customers. The market and customer therefore forms the core of business strategy today unlike traditionally where the factories and products formed the core. This calls on the companies to rethink their strategic pillars; drivers for competitive edge now are out of the companies, advantage cumulatively increases with more knowledge and experience. Focus is now on what the customer wants and therefore firms have to offer produc t propositions that have solutions for the specific purchasing criteria. Therefore shifts in the purchasing trends form the key driver of market growth and pace as opposed to technological or product enhancement. As opposed to upstream competitive advantage which is internally sourced and protected by companies, downstream advantage is found from outside the business. Downstream advantage is driven by the external links a company has with its customers such as strategic partnerships as well as complementors. Is anchored on the processes by which the company interacts with the target market, knowledge of the market and trends in behavior of customers. Information on the patterns of how consumers behave and there purchasing